Miles For Change
Miles For Change
Miles For Change EP 07 - Special Olympics Chicago

Miles For Change EP 07 - Special Olympics Chicago

A multi-medalist athlete and her mom share stories of the amazing experiences they have had by being a part of an inclusive sports community through SOC.

For over 50 years, Special Olympics Chicago has provided opportunities for thousands of athletes living with intellectual disabilities. Their organization has provided a sustainable community for the athletes and their families while offering a wide variety of athletic play and competitive events all year round.

You may know of their largest fundraiser of the year; the Polar Plunge North Avenue Beach. Every winter, thousands of people jump into the freezing waters of Lake Michigan, raising millions of dollars to support the programs provided by Special Olympics Chicago.

But there are others who instead of jumping into frigid waters in the middle of winter, decide to train for months to run 26.2 miles to raise money for those same programs.

They are a household name in the region, and the city really comes together to make sure all of its residents have a field to play on.

Hear from family members of Special Olympics athletes, the people who make the programs happen, and of course, a multi-medalist who has dominated in a variety of sports.

In This Episode:

Mary Slowik, Executive Director, Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children's Charities
Emily Smith, Former Development Director, Special Olympics Chicago
Eileen Guinane, Special Olympics Administrator, Chicago Park District
Nicole Richmond, Runner (Click to check out her fundraising page)
Linda Padilla, SOC Family Member
Stephanie Padilla, SOC Athlete

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